WhichnWhat.com, as the name implies, provides answers to millions of inquiries relating to Which And What phrases. These responses were culled from tens of thousands of reputable websites.
We are currently a small team of 2-4 persons, but we are expanding. We’ve discovered an issue over the years in that some questions have stayed unanswered. A question may emerge in your head on the spur of the moment, for example. “What does a thermostat do when it gets too hot?” for example. Now, we can tell from experience that it is human psychology that he wants a speedy solution to his question.
On the contrary, if you seek for long articles, you will find them. To get the solution to your question, you must first read the entire article. Many people do not have time to read full-fledged articles or do not enjoy doing so. In contrast, we present the user with the answers to these queries “in a few lines” right away.
If you wish to learn more about the issue, you can click the “read more” link at the bottom of each answer.
We’re also working to improve the quality, relevancy, and thoroughness of our responses.
Unlike well-known competitors such as Yahoo Answers, Quora, and other comparable sites, we are not one of them. Although we plan to add community input in the future, our key point of inflexion is that we want to respond to questions in short, concise words. The average response should take no more than 1-3 minutes to read.
People nowadays are pressed for time, and they seek answers on the spur of the moment. We feel that it should be up to the user to decide whether or not he wants to read a lengthy detailed in-depth response. As a result, in addition to a short, appropriate answer, the user can click on the link next to any answer to read in depth about the topic. Please share your opinions with us using our contact page if you have any suggestions for improving this or if you want us to add something. Thank you very much in advance!